Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sri Lakshmi Hayvadana Lakshminarayanabhyam Namaha Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Srimate Nigamantamahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Guruparamparayai Namaha

Sri Hayagriva Avataram:

The avataram of Hayagriva Bhagavan took place to restore the Vedas to Brahma. Emperumaan had taught Brahma the creation through his breath of Vedas. Then, Brahma could understand how various kalpams had begun due to Emperumaan's Vedopadesam. He became extremely proud of his position as the creator and about his powers/gnanam. Sriman Narayana as usual wanted to teach him and decided to remove his (Brahma's) pride. A couple of water droplets from the lotus seat of the Lord incarnated two Asuras, Madhu and Kaitabha. Due to Bhgawath sankalpam, one (kaitapan) was of thamo guna and the other (madhu) was of rajo guna. They stole the Vedas from Brahma, and Emperumaan smiled.

Unable to carry on his work of creation without the Vedas, Brahma rushed to the Lord and pleaded the Lord Narayana for mercy and saving Vedas. Brahma prostrated to the Lord and said:

"Vedas alone are my eyes; they are my wealth; They are my Lord. The whole world is surrounded by darkness due to the absence of Vedas. How am I to proceed on creation of world without the Vedas ? Please arise from the Yoga nithra and help me Lord! Please give me back my eyes which have been blinded by my own pride."

"veda: mE paramam sakshI: veda: mE paramam param
veda: mE paramam dharma: veda: mE brahma sotthamam"

Lord Narayana incarnated as Hayagriva, white Horse faced, faultless sphatika hued form, satva mUrthy, with Divya tEjas, and lustrous form and destroyed the Asuras and restored the Vedas to Brahma. This avtaaram was made on a AvaNi month, sravaNa nakshthram paurNami thithi. With a lovely long nose, like the heaven surrounded by white bright stars, the asva siras (head of horse) illumined the whole world. The upper world and the lower world became His ears. The rays of Sun's brightest lustres are His hairs at the nape of His neck (pidari). BhUmi became His forhead; Ganga and Saraswathi became two lovely eyebrows; Chandra Sooryar (The Moon and the Sun) became His two eyes; SandhyA dEvathai became His nostrils; Pithru devathAs became His teeth; GolOkam and Brahma lOkam became His two lips; kalaraathri became His neck; The Divya tEjas Sathva mUrthy Sri Hayagreevan thus, in a grandest beautiful manner appeared. He rushed to PaathaaLa lOkam and raised His "uthGitham" in samavEdha swaram and terrified Madhukaitapa asurAs; They hid the VedhAs (which were in the form of babies) and ran away from the scene. Sri Hayagreevar handed over the Vedas to BrahmA and went back. Madhukaitapar searched for the sound which terrified them earlier but found the Vedas missing. They rushed to BrahmA who in turn was terribly scared and sought the help of Sriman Narayanan. Sri Hayagreevar fought with asurAs and killed them. BrahmA continued his work of creation.